Google Translate Api Key Generate


Sign in to the Azure portal

How to Get Google Translate API Key. To use the API you need to get a Google API key; a). Create a Project and select it. On the left side bar, Go to “APIs & auth” Tab = APIs Tab d). Enable “Translate API” e).

  • Don't have an account? You can create a free account to experiment at no charge.
  • Already have an account? Sign in
  • Mar 11, 2019  Cloud Translate API is one of the most useful API which Google offers to developers. Implementation of Cloud Translate API to your project is really simple, so you can prefer to use it in your.
  • Create a new Project from the top bar. Select newly created project from top bar and visit API & Services. From Dashboard enable Google Translate API. Search for translate API and enable it. From the credentials interface create a new API Key. Copy this API key and insert inside wp-admin Loco Translate Auto Translator Addon – Settings.

Create a subscription to the Translator Text API

Google Translate Api Key Free

After you sign in to the portal, you can create a subscription to the Translator Text API as follows:

  1. Select + Create a resource.
  2. In the Search the Marketplace search box, enter Translator Text and then select it from the results.
  3. Select Create to define details for the subscription.
  4. From the Pricing tier list, select the pricing tier that best fits your needs.
    1. Each subscription has a free tier. The free tier has the same features and functionalities as the paid plans and doesn't expire.
    2. You can have only one free subscription for your account.
  5. Select Create to finish creating the subscription.

Authentication key

When you sign up for Translator Text, you get a personalized access key unique to your subscription. This key is required on each call to the Translator Text API.

  1. Retrieve your authentication key by first selecting the appropriate subscription.
  2. Select Keys in the Resource Management section of your subscription's details.
  3. Copy either of the keys listed for your subscription.

Learn, test, and get support

Microsoft Translator will generally let your first couple of requests pass before it has verified the subscription account status. If the first few Microsoft Translator API requests succeed then the calls fail, the error response will indicate the problem. Please log the API response so you can see the reason.

Pricing options

Google Translate Api Key Free


Generate Google Translate Api Key

Use Custom Translator to customize your translations and create a translation system tuned to your own terminology and style, starting from generic Microsoft Translator neural machine translation systems. Learn more

Free Google Api Key

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