Project Classes Debug Menu Won't Display Dev C++

Using Projects with Turbo/Borland C Introduction Most of this information will apply to using projects with other Borland IDEs. However, the brief instructions in this document have been tested with Turbo 4.5 and with Borland 4.52 running under Windows 95 and under Windows NT. Visual studio 2017 Enterprise crashing on starting console project debug. Windows 10.0 Visual Studio 2017 version 15.2 debugger. Soham Dave reported May 16, 2017 at 12:11 AM. VS2017 Crashes Unpredictably Debugging C 1 Solution. Mar 06, 2008  See if the following helps, To enable debugging: 1) Goto Project-HelloWorld Properties 2) On the left expand 'Configuration Properties' 3) Expand 'C/C'.

Jun 23, 2017 Most debuggers share a common set of features. Here are the features you need to know (and how to use them with C and C code in Visual Studio). Start debugging. To debug, you need to start your app with the debugger attached to the process. In Visual Studio, press F5 or select Debug Start Debugging. Your code may need to be rebuilt. I feel a little stupid asking this, but the 'Debug'-menu in my Visual Studio installation has disappeared. It supposed to be between the 'Build' and 'Tools' menu, but it is simply not there. I have been messing around with making a windows application in Dev-C I wanted to make it in a single source file, rather than a project to see if it worked. It did, other than the fact that I got the windows app, AND a DOS prompt behind it. Is there anyway to remove the DOS prompt? I will include. If an add-in has problems or runtime errors occur in the add-in code, use Visual Studio to debug the add-in. For example, if the add-in shows on the Add-Ins dialog box in the application, but a Button, DockWindow, or Gallery does not show on the Ribbon, debugging can help resolve the problem.

C++ projects, debugging
debugging [C++]

This section describes how to debug the basic project types created by the [!INCLUDEvcprvc] project templates.

Note that those project types that create DLLs as their output have been grouped into Debugging DLL Projects because of the common features they share.

In this topic

Recommended property settings

Certain properties should be set the same way for all unmanaged debugging scenarios. The following tables display recommended property settings. Settings not listed here may vary among the different unmanaged project types. For more information, see Project Settings for a C++ Debug Configuration.

Configuration Properties | C/C++ | Optimization node

Property NameSetting
OptimizationSet to Disabled (/0d). Optimized code is harder to debug, because the generated instructions do not correspond directly to your source code. If you find your program has a bug that appears only in optimized code, you can turn this setting on, but remember that code shown in the Disassembly window is generated from optimized source that might not match what you see in your source windows. Other features, such as stepping, might not behave as expected.

Configuration Properties | Linker | Debugging node

Property NameSetting
Generate debugging informationYou should always set this option to Yes (/DEBUG) to create debugging symbols and files needed for debugging. When the application goes into production, you can set it to off.

Win32 projects

Win32 applications are traditional Windows programs written in C or C++. Debugging this type of application in [!INCLUDEvsprvs] is straightforward.

Win32 applications include MFC applications and ATL projects. They use Windows APIs and may use MFC or ATL, but they do not use the common language runtime (CLR). They can, however, call managed code that uses the CLR.

The following procedure explains how to debug a Win32 project from within [!INCLUDEvsprvs]. Another way to debug a Win32 application is to start the application outside of [!INCLUDEvsprvs] and attach to it. For more information, see Attach to Running Processes.

To debug a C or C++ Win32 application

  1. Open the project in Visual Studio.

  2. On the Debug menu, choose Start.

  3. Debug using the techniques discussed in First look at the debugger.

Project Classes Debug Menu Won

To manually set a Debug configuration

  1. On the View menu, click Property Pages.

  2. Click the Configuration Properties node to open it if it is not already

  3. Select General, and set the value of the Output row to Debug.

  4. Open the C/C++ node, and select General.

    In the Debug row you specify the type of debugging information to be generated by the compiler. Values you might choose include Program Database (/Zi) or Program Database for Edit & Continue (/ZI).

  5. Select Optimization, and in the Optimization row, select Disabled (/0d) from the drop-down list.

    Optimized code is harder to debug, because the generated instructions do not correspond directly to your source code. If you find your program has a bug that appears only in optimized code, you can turn this setting on, but remember that code shown in the Disassembly window is generated from optimized source that may not match what you see in your source windows. Features such as stepping are likely to show breakpoints and execution point incorrectly.

  6. Open the Linker node, and select Debugging. In the first Generate row, select Yes (/DEBUG) from the drop-down list. Always set this when you are debugging.

    For more information, seeProject Settings for a C++ Debug Configuration.

Windows Forms applications (.NET)

The Windows Forms Application (.NET) template creates a [!INCLUDEvcprvc] Windows Forms application. For more information, see How to: Create a Windows Application Project.

Project Classes Debug Menu Won't Display Dev C Download

Debugging this type of application in [!INCLUDEvsprvs] is similar to that in managed Windows Forms applications.

When you create a Windows Forms project with the project template, [!INCLUDEvsprvs] automatically creates required settings for the Debug and Release configurations. If necessary, you can change these settings in the <project name> Property Pages dialog box. For more information, see Debug and Release Configurations.

For more information, see Project Settings for a C++ Debug Configuration.

Another way to debug a Windows Forms application is to start the application outside of [!INCLUDEvsprvs] and attach to it. For more information, see Attaching to a Running Program or Multiple Programs.

See also

16 May 2006
This article shows how to simply create and use an ATL DLL in VC++.


Project Classes Debug Menu Won't Display Dev C Software

Before I learned programming and when I was a beginner in Visual Basic, I didn't know anything about DLLs, what kind of code is in them, or what do they do. Now, I know that they are very useful. Because, we can put our functions in DLLs, and make our code simpler, smoother, and also faster. We can update our code only by upgrading the DLL which we want. We can put our resources in DLLs and use them. So by using DLLs, our applications will be upgradeable in a simple way.

In this article, we'll learn how to create an ATL DLL, initialize it, and then use it - a very simple thing.

1. Creating the DLL

First, we must create a DLL. So follow these steps:

  1. Open Microsoft Visual Studio, click on the File menu, and then select New, and select Project....
  2. In Project Types, select Visual C++ Projects, and click on ATL.
  3. In the Templates Window (at the right), select ATL project, give it a name, and click OK.
  4. The 'ATL Project Wizard' appears. Then, left click on Application Settings:
    • If you want to use MFC in your DLL, uncheck the Attributed checkbox. MSDN says:

      'This attribute automatically implements DllMain, DllRegisterServer, DllUnregisterServer, DllGetClassObject, and DllCanUnloadNow.'

    • If you want to use MFC in your DLL, unckeck the Attributed checkbox and check the Support MFC checkbox.
  5. Select other options like the picture, and click Finish.
  6. In the Solution Explorer window, click on Class View, right click on your project name, point to Add, and select Add class....
  7. In the 'Add class' window, select ATL Simple Object at the Templates window, and click Open.
  8. In the window that appears (ATL simple object wizard), in the Shortname textbox, give a name for your object (without the C letter before it).
  9. Leave other options as they are, and click on the Finish button.
  10. Now, we have our DLL. We should now add a function to it.
  11. In the Solution Explorer, right-click on your object name, point to Add, and select one of the items (the one that serves your purpose).
  12. I have selected the Add Method item.
  13. Select the yourobjectname.cpp tab at the top.
  14. Insert your code in the block, and select Release... from top.
  15. At theDebug menu, select Start (or press F5), click Yes.
  16. Now that the DLL is released properly, you can get it from the project address under the release folder.

That's it!

2. Initializing the DLL (importing and using)

Now, to test your DLL (or to use it), create a MFC project. Follow these steps to initialize the DLL:

  1. Use:
  2. Declare a public pointer variable from yourobjectname.
  3. Initialize your DLL:
  4. Now, we are ready to use our simple DLL and our simple method.
  5. Finish...

Just don't forget to register it!

3. Why my DLL won't work in another computer?

When you run your application that uses the DLL in other computer or a newly installed OS, it will give you an error. So what should I do? When you create your DLL using Microsoft Visual Studio, it automatically registers your DLL in Windows. So you (or your app) must do these simple things:

  1. Open the Start menu and open the Run window (or press Win logo key +R).
  2. In the Open field, typeREGSVR32DllAddress (exactly where it is and the app. uses it).
  3. Click OK (or press the Enter key).
  4. The message 'DlRegisterServer in pathname succeeded' appears.
Project Classes Debug Menu WonProject classes debug menu won

Have a great coding!

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